Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Balancing it all!

When it comes to being a "Stay-at-Home" Mom the picture of  woman sitting on a couch, face in the computer, as her children run wild is what many believe we do. For me, it is tempting to "zone out" into social media when I feel overwhelmed by the wide array of responsibilities that come with this jugging act of being the Queen of the Southerland Princesses! I wear many hats and even as I type this I am hearing a resounding three year old voice yelling, "HEY MOMMY I'm done.."  from the bathroom. So I get up, go wipe a little rear end, check the pizza that is in the oven, make a peanut butter sandwich, kiss the baby, and serve lunch. Then I come back to share a quick tid-bit of my life with the World Wide Web and hope to encourage other mommies out there to press on and fight the good fight of faith! Grace is what God gives us as fuel to keep running this race!  
 2Ti 4:7   I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith:

Tip of the week: Take 15min today turn up some good worship or uplifting music  and do some sort of exercise rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit! You have to take time for yourself and your health to care for them!